jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Our First Day at Bell

September 8th Sunday
This morning we had a written and an oral test.I think I did well.
After lunch my group, Rivendell was supposed to have archery with Nicola and handball with Tom. But it was raining so instead we had Gossips with Nicola, we had to go around the building asking any member of the staff if they had any gossips and after we had lots we did a magazine.
 After a small break we did Drama with Tom S and in two groups we had to create a play from some information he gave us. Our story was about a woman who built a house but never got to use it because she was murdered, so once she was dead she haunted the house. I was the assassin.
The Wheel of Fortune was our evening activity. In our groups we had to complete challenges to win points. It was wonderful and I think everyone had a superb time.
After that we had the house meetings, were we recived some instructions for the next day and once it was finished we went to sleep.

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